Welcome to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) State and Local Emissions Inventory System (SLEIS), a web-based application that allows permitted facilities to compile and submit point source emissions inventory data in accordance with regulatory reporting.
Internet browsers: SLEIS supports newer versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Edge browsers.
Locked Accounts: Accounts are locked after 3 unsuccessful attempts to login. To unlock your account email kdhe.sleis@ks.gov and provide the email address for the account you will need unlocked.
User Registration: Any new SLEIS accounts must be created by KDHE staff. Please fill out the User Registration form: SLEIS User Registration Form
To create or update your SLEIS Company Accounts please use the Company Registration form: SLEIS Company Registration Form
Email the completed form(s) to kdhe.sleis@ks.gov. We will respond to your email when the accounts have been updated.
Look for 2024 Emission Inventory reports to become available within the first few weeks of January 2025;
Reports are due April 1, 2025.
*** PLEASE NOTE: All SLEIS reporting facilities are subject to possible emissions fees this year. Your invoice will be emailed along with your submission confirmation and can also be found on the “Financials” tab of your facilities page within Kansas Environmental Information Mamagement System (KEIMS). For further info on fees click here (Fee Structure Document)
For guidance and resources please see the KDHE Emissions Inventory Website.
Instructional videos are available to assist you through the processes of reporting in SLEIS: Air Emissions Inventory - SLEIS
Important Notes for your Emissions Inventory Submittal
- All emissions of Criteria Pollutants shall be reported.
- All emissions of HAPs greater than 20 pounds (facility-wide) from the facility shall be reported.
- Emissions from all emission units, even those that may be considered 'insigificant activities' by permit, shall be reported.
- If you report emissions using Material Balance, Engineering Judgement, or a calculation method where an emission factor is not provided you MUST include your calculations using the "Report Attachments" button on the reporting year page for verification.
- Emissions due to malfunctions or upsets (excess emissions) shall be reported, and should be reported under their own process identifier.
SLEIS Import File Specification
The purpose of this document is to describe the SLEIS file import process and flat file specification. It includes standards and conventions to use when constructing an import file, describes the physical structure of each import file type, and provides basic instruction on how to create a SLEIS import file: SLEIS File Import Specification
For additional assistance or questions, contact us at kdhe.sleis@ks.gov.